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Frequent irritability

Inability to break bad habits

Lack of fulfillment in your social life

Sense of blocked creativity

Who Should Consider Working With a Life Coach?

Many people seek out life coaches for guidance in navigating a significant life change, such as taking on a new career. In plenty of cases, however, people turn to life coaches simply for help in building a happier, more meaningful life.

Types of Life Coaches

Some life coaches take a more general, all-encompassing approach, but there are also many that specialize and focus on helping people in specific areas. Some of the different types of life coaches include:

  • Addiction and sobriety coaching
  • Business, executive, and leadership coaching
  • Career coaching
  • Dating and relationship coaching
  • Diet and fitness coaching

Get Certificate

This Professional Certificate taught me a lot of valuable skills in my industry, gave me hands on experience, and not only helped me get interviews.

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quotClient Success Stories


My income is increasing by 30% each year! I finally broke the six figure barrier, and the numbers are getting significant! I followed the steps outlined by Cate and it worked! 2 years later I've led 6 groups of students totaling more than 70 people through my 10 week course.

Juan Carlos Molina

Life Coach


I've been blown away by the results of my students. I absolutely LOVE coaching the habits and the fact that my income has doubled in 2 years is just a sweet byproduct of living my calling. Cate, I am eternally grateful for you for sharing this work and changing my life.

Keren Sanchez

Health & Life Coach

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